Katie Kitty Kai

My name is Katie I'm a female Artist and Gamer in CanadaMostly into Genshin Impact since launch it's always Genshin time for me! I have 4 accounts. I run 2 daily the other 2 more so on big eventsHobbies:
Drawing, Games, JRPGs,
Anime, Manga, Music
Some Favorite Game Series:
Final Fantasy, Tales of,
Atelier, Ar Tonelico, Grandia,
Star Ocean, Fire Emblem, Zelda,
Kingdom Hearts, Project Diva,
Falcom: Ys, Kiseki, Xanadu
If you'd like to know more I can be found on the following platforms below

Also known as Kaiyoria/KaiyoriaChi

Twitter Pixiv and Poipiku contain my NSFW Artworks